Meet Aries:
Hello everyone! My name is Aries, and I want to express my gratitude to you for taking the time to visit my website. I specialize in creating earrings, but I enjoy many different types of crafting. Creating helps to distract me from chronic pain and other health issues.
I am Mexican, and I have been feeling disheartened by the constant appropriation of my culture by outsiders and large corporations who exploit and profit from it. I would like to encourage you to support small businesses like mine. The Order of the Star is my passion project, which allows me to earn a living. I am currently a full-time student and work a seasonal job full-time.
I am doing my best to balance my studies and creativity. This may cause a delay in my response time, but I try my best to get back to everyone.
The Order of the Star Affiliates:
As Above
Click to visit As Above
As Above is a POC, woman-owned metaphysical shop seeking to find magic in the mundane. As Above has been directing its energies towards educating community members, uplifting practitioners from non-European paths, and supporting other metaphysical businesses and artisans. Their mission has always been to create an inclusive community where all members can thrive.